Thank you for this article, I’d like to share in my own experience if I may. I have found a big difference between valuation and entanglement (my word for enmeshment). I have found that typically, embedment is the result of possession and a hijacking of the mental functions by someone set out to and is quite common with narcissistic/sociopathic abuse. This has been the easiest frame works to comprehend the true nature of the psychic bonds we create with people on a daily basis, wether intimate or interpersonal relationships.
These kinds of relations ships create all kinds of toxic situations and the only way I can offer solution is that if you have someone in your life that doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, or used strategies like gaslighting, stonewalling, triangulation reputation destruction, that the very fact you are waking up to it is a sign of your own value.
In my experiance the only safe thing to do is to literally get away from that person, and anyone who defends their position.
There is so much more to “enmeshment” though I hope anyone who comes across it in their own lives can find the strength and value in them selves to remove them selves from that situation, even if it takes a little time.
My mantra when I was being devalued was “I am worth more than this and deserve to be treaded better” something I think we can all find in ourselves.
Thank you again for your article.